Written by ELO

Words are Everything.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It's Only Words....

Back to reading one of my favorite wordsmith: William Gibson's Virtual Light. The foreign eyes of a cultural inspector examining the SF Bridge that collapsed in the quake. And the creation of a new city out of the wreckage rings true.

Too bad his X-Files episode's Kill Switch (1998) and First Person Shooter (2000) could not capture this gifted writer's skill in story telling.

Why is it that Great Writers are translated into movies and TV shows so badly.

Maybe because the written word feeds the mind, at your pace. Not as a train ride leading us to the next collision.

A good test to see if Hollywood has learned anything about good Science Fiction Stories will be on how well they translate Gibson's upcoming Pattern Recognition to be released in 2007 and to be Directed by Peter Weir.

Stay Tuned.


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